Friday, June 4, 2010

A Slight Detour from My "Working at Home" Series...

The Continuing Saga of "To Work..." has been interrupted
by a week-long fight with pneumonia, but will
 continue soon!

For those of you who have been tuning in to my blog about working from home, I apologize for the delay.  For those of you who are tired of the topic, it's your lucky day!  I'm on my 8th day with pneumonia that shows no sign of going away, and I'm off to the doctor for an antibiotic shot and possibly a chest x-ray.

So rather than tax my injured brain cells, and risk writing a useless article, I decided to give myself the day off and try to sleep this off.

I hope you'll tune in tomorrow ....with any luck, I'll be feeling like a human again!!

Thanks for stopping by...leave me a comment and I'll stop by and say hello back!  Have a Fantastic Friday!!


Laina said...

Hi there! Thanks for being my newest follower :) I love your blog! I will continue to check back for new updates and posts :)

Debbie's L'Bri said...

Thank you for following my blog. Let me know what you like about my posts.

Debbie's L'bri skincare blog

L'Bri is an aloe based skincare program. Most company's first ingredient is water. In our skincare products aloe is the first ingredient. Aloe is very healing to the skin.

Marcia said...

Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for following me!


Anonymous said...

Well being sick sucks! I hope you get better soon!

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